The Pirgaccha Zamindar Bari: The Manthana Kingdom Estate was established sometime around 1100 AD. Her Royal Highness Maharani Joy Durga Devi Chaudhurani of Rangpur was the most influential and famous ruler of the kingdom. After the death of His Royal Highness Rajah Rajendra Narayan Roy Choudhury, the Monthana Kingdom Estate was divided into two parts among his two sons Rajah Harendra Narayan Roy Choudhury and Rajah Bhairab Narayan Roy Choudhu-ry of Rangpur. As a result the landlord house also divided into two parts. After the death of HRH Rajah Harendra Narayan Roy Choudhury his son HRH Rajah Mahendra Narayan Roy Choudhury succeeded the kingdom. After his death HRH Rajah Bhupendra Narayan Roy Choudhury succeeded to the throne of the kingdom and was the last crowned king of this kingdom estate. His son HRH Prince Jyotirindra Narayan Roy Choudhury was born in 1947 and is the crown prince of the estate. Soon after the birth of HRH Jyotirindra Narayan Roy Choudhury, India and East Pakistan got independence from imperial British rule and the partition of Bengal took place. HRH Prince Jyotirindra Narayan Roy Choudhury of Rangpur now resides in Kolkata, India with his family. His son HRH Prince Rupendra Narayan Anirban Roy Choudhury of Rangpur who uses the name Anirban Roy Choudhury is the present Titular Crown Prince of the kingdom-estate. The Pirgaccha Landlord House popularly known as the Manthana Palace or Manthana Rajbari is a massive structure spread over hundreds of acres of land and houses ponds, lakes, buildings, temples, and various other assets. HRH Princess Kabita Rani Roy Choudhury is the present legal owner of the entire kingdom-estate. The Kachari House of the Manthana Palace is now used as Pirgasha Registrar Office.
